Is the Help Helping? A Community Conversation

Join us on Thursday, November 10th for an evening with parents of youth and young adults whose children have been challenged by a range of significant mental health issues.

Is the Help Helping?
Parenting Youth through Mental Health Challenges

Thursday, November 10, 2016
7:00 pm
Eileen Fisher Learning Lab
50 S. Buckhout Street, Suite 102, Irvington, NY 10533

Register now

Our panel will share thoughts about:

  • Recognizing when the help isn’t helping
  • Trusting your gut
  • Daring to question the “experts” and consult others
  • Educating yourself and creating your own path to services and supports

Everyone’s story and path to finding and creating an effective network of assistance is unique. For example, some parents may find that an early diagnosis of childhood challenges is a helpful pathway toward finding help, whereas others may find that early diagnosis “pigeon-holes” a child, establishes a downward trajectory and limits options.  

Our panel will share thoughts about their family’s journey and the fabric of assistance that they have helped create for their children. The panel will then open the floor to conversation with our audience.

Hear from:
Randi Silverman – Advocate and Filmmaker, No Letting Go
Phyllis Vine – Advocate and Author, Families in Pain: Children, Siblings, Spouses, and Parents of the Mentally Ill Speak Out
Ruthanne Becker, MA – Vice-President of Rehabilitation Services, The Mental Health Association of Westchester 
Cindy Peterson-Dana, LMHC – Director of Peer and Recovery Support Services, The Mental Health Association of Westchester

Moderated by Sean Mayer, a media and communications professional who became an advocate for mental health awareness and suicide prevention following the loss of his brother, Ryan, in July 2014. 

Event is free. Space is limited. Register today.