Children's Services Transformations: Behavioral Health News Feature
Children's Services Transformations

Check out the most recent issue of Behavioral Health News for an inside look at the transformations happening throughout MHA's Children's Services!

In a recent edition of Behavioral Health News, The Mental Health Association of Westchester wrote of sweeping transformations in process throughout our agency, with a specific focus on services for adults. In this edition, we describe the transformations occurring throughout our services for children and their families. Even as the services – and corresponding workflows and staffing patterns change, our commitment to delivering services tailored to the individual needs of children and their families remains unwavering.

Since its inception in 1946, MHA Westchester has been a pioneer in offering services for children and their families. Originally working with schools, we delivered services for children through the lens of the then-current “Mental Hygiene” movement. Evolving with changes in best practices, our treatment and support services have grown to provide assistance in shelters, families’ homes and other community locations of their choice, as well as in our licensed clinics. Working from a strength-based focus, we currently provide clinic and community-based psychotherapy; services to support caregivers’ decision-making and parenting skills to maintain family stability, avoid or mitigate crises and avert hospitalizations; and family support services, to name only a few of our many offerings. MHA Westchester is recognized for its work with the most vulnerable of our community’s children and families, particularly for the services we provide for those who receive health care through Medicaid funding and those who are otherwise deemed eligible for these services. 

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